Complementary Therapies

A Complementary Health Approach to Wellbeing
In the 80’s, prior to the establishment of The Whole Works, ‘alternative therapy’ was becoming increasingly of interest to the public, though it was insufficiently researched, irresponsibly promoted at times and often inadequately overseen.
We thus responded to the public demand as well as to the increasing respect from GPs and health authorities who had come to recognise the undoubted benefits of many complementary health approaches, especially in stress-related illness, musculoskeletal problems, in preventative care as well as its role in improving the quality of life in degenerative and chronic conditions.
But it can be challenging to know where to seek help for the many health problems that lie outwith the standard NHS purview, whether mental, emotional or physical. It can also be difficult to navigate what credentials professionals offering complementary therapy should have, what training bodies they should belong to. At The Whole Works we ensure that all our clinicians are trained to the highest level and are fully accredited by their professional bodies. Our clinicians work in line with best practice guidelines ensuring that your treatment plan is tailored to meet your needs, and follows a strong evidence base for your presenting problem.We are also conscious, at all times, to the limits of our areas of competence and where necessary, we refer clients to other, appropriately trained health professionals.
Clients of the Whole Works are also protected from any exaggerated or false claims of a therapy’s effectiveness. Nor do we conflate your therapeutic journey with an opportunity to sell you merchandise; we do not promote pills, potions or face packs.