Gift Vouchers

Birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas present

Are you searching for a special gift for a friend or loved one?

If so, why not treat them to a gift voucher for The Whole Works, which they can use with one of our complementary therapists. Any questions, just give us a call!

Please email [email protected] or call us on 0131 225 8092 if you would like the buy a gift voucher.

Once we have received payment we will send the voucher to you or directly to the recipient. Postage is free. Alternatively, vouchers can be collected from the Whole Works. Please arrange a time for collection so that we have it ready for you.

Payment is by bank transfer or cash only.


Would you like to join the Whole Works’ Admin team? We are looking for someone to work a weekly shift (5.5hrs) as well as be available for holiday/sick cover.

As part of the Admin team, you will assist with the smooth running of the centre. This includes dealing with enquiries for our very busy assessment service, as well as handling bookings for our therapists.

Hourly rate – to be discussed

Please send your CV to [email protected]

Unfortunately, the position isn’t suitable for anyone who is currently attending the Whole Works for psychotherapy or counselling.