I believe in one’s potential for ongoing meaningful growth and development as we journey through our lives, and appreciate the need, at times, for a companion on the road. Someone to pause with you in places of challenge, loss, ‘stuckness’, struggle or search, sensitively aiding exploration of what feels to be burdening or blinding you, or blocking your path or potential.
Working within a psychospiritual context such as Psychosynthesis allows me to offer a holistic person centred approach, embracing the realms of mind, body and feelings, as well as soul and spirit should these have meaning for you. I am passionate about supporting individuals to explore their inner and outer sense of reality, increasing their capacity to consciously hold and understand, as well as compassionately be with and resource themselves.
I believe our greatest aid in this work is through developing the capacity to remain curious even in times of crisis, listening with the intention to hear deeply what is present in one’s being and notice what is being expressed in one’s doing, and understand how these came to be. Accompanying you in your personal exploration, together we can ask questions and gain understanding of self-limiting patterns or ways of being that no longer serve you or the way you wish to live well. And, through our gained insights we can explore supportive ways for you to un-obstruct your path or reorientate yourself in a direction that holds personal meaning and value.
I also offer ways to access, involve and welcome your imagination into this work through visualisation, meditation, working with images, personal symbolism, dreams and creative writing, enabling a diverse and dynamic means of expressing and being with the spectrum of your inner world and experience, and most essentially enabling you to gain new perspectives and be with the possibility of making meaningful choices and changes.
Realising and harnessing my desire to work in a meaningful meaning making, compassionate, creative and non-judgemental way with another first spurred me to train as a SoulCollage® facilitator in 2014. Since then I have been working therapeutically with individuals and small groups offering a creatively compassionate approach to exploring one’s sense of self and our intra and interpersonal relationships and realities.
I am deeply committed to this work. Having completed the PG Psychosynthesis Counselling Diploma with the London Institute of Psychosynthesis, I am continuing my training with them as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist.