Joolz started training in bodywork in January 2001, qualifying in therapeutic massage in 2002, accredited by ITEC.
She qualified as a Bowen practitioner, accredited by the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia, in 2004. Joolz also practices in Myofascial Release and trigger point therapy.
She attends regular training to ensure a high standard of professional care is maintained and to continue to learn more specialised techniques. Some of these include: Neural Touch, working with ME/fibromyalgia, neuro-muscular rehabilitation and harmonics.
Joolz works with acute injuries and problematic health issues such as repetitive strain injuries and chronic pain, as well as relaxation.
She works with the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. She continues to train with the intention of better combining intuitive and scientific knowledge in order to support each client and meet their unique needs.