Deciding to come to therapy can feel like a big step, sometimes fuelled by a discomfort in everyday living, a sense that things aren’t quite right, anxiety that doesn’t dissipate. There may be problems in relationships, issues of self-worth trauma, feelings of loss and grief. In the midst of everyday life many of these feelings can be difficult to properly grasp, they may arise ‘out of the blue’, feel unacceptable, they shift around; at times feeling more present and pressing than at others.
In our sessions, my intention is to create a safe space, developing a relationship which is open and trustful and where all feelings are legitimate. Together we can gently explore what feels difficult for you at the moment, and both be curious about and receptive to what emerges.
My practice is predominantly informed by the psychodynamic tradition. I will join and support you in noticing the ways in which the past, remembered or not is still very much alive in your experience of present- day relationships. I believe that early, especially infantile relationships bear a particular significance, and will encourage you with compassion to bear witness to these early experiences. Life can feel messy, demanding and difficult and both consciously and unconsciously we develop means of protecting ourselves, to try and avoid the pain created. Within our relationship, we may begin to recognise ways of being, which although have been helpful in the past, are possibly limiting now. Maybe it becomes possible to choose more fulfilling ways of living.
I undertook my therapeutic training at Edinburgh University and have a particular interest in childhood experience and trauma and the effects of this in the present. I have experience of working with adults / young people with trauma and its presentations of anxiety, shame, addiction, depression. I also work with abuse, loss and relationship and self-esteem issues. I have significant experience in working with neurodivergent adults / young people and those who have gender identity concerns and maybe moving towards transition.
My work adheres to the ethical code and guidelines of Cosca.