Homeopathy is a system of holistic medicine which uses natural remedies to stimulate and support your innate healing capacity. Based on the theory of ‘like cures like’ it is safe, gentle and stems from nearly two hundred years of observation, experiment and direct experience. People express their disorders in different ways and on different levels – physical, mental and emotional. I will discuss all of your symptoms with you in order to find the remedy that best suits you as an individual.
In order to find the most suitable remedy, I will need to take a thorough medical history and gain an understanding of your individual nature. Thus, the initial consultation may take up to two hours, and subsequent appointments may last up to an hour.
After careful consideration of the information from the consultation, you will be given a homeopathic remedy, usually in the form of a tablet or tablets, or in liquid form. Clear instructions will be given regarding how to take your remedy. You will be asked to make a follow-up appointment four to six weeks after your initial consultation in order to assess any changes that have occurred since you took the remedy and to make any necessary adjustments in prescription. I am available to be contacted by phone or email between visits if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment or any symptoms you may be experiencing. I make every endeavour to return calls or emails promptly and I always make clear arrangements for contact if I am going away.
Homeopathy can be safely used alongside most conventional medicines. Because of the minute doses used, there are no toxic side effects or risk of dependency from the remedies. This means that they can be safely prescribed for people of all ages, including babies, and also during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Homeopathy is not diagnostic, and you may be advised to check out your symptoms with your GP if you have not already done so.